29th April 2023

Kassandra calls to action!

Our call to action for accountability in local authorities in regards to Climate Change in the press today!

Read more here: https://www.ildomanibleo.com/2023/04/29/sicilia-i-fondatori-di-kassandra-lanciano-proposta-ai-candidati-a-sindaco-istituire-un-assessorato-al-cambiamento-climatico/?fbclid=IwAR1dixzjcsvDBToBFO1ngavYof64FnCS8a-aV4TiHYbRnx7ge62LUAqAb90

24th March 2023

Kassandra at “Il futuro è presente. Immaginiamo una città sostenibile”

Future is Present! How collective decisions taken today can make or break the future of the next generations? Watch here: https://www.vrsicilia.it/il-futuro-e-presente-immaginiamo-una-citta-sostenibile/

21st March 2023

Kassandra about the need for immediate action against Climate Change

Dealing with plausible futures, even extreme ones, will require data-driven decisions and collective buy-in.

21st March 2023

Kassandra’s ‘prophecies’ for the city of Modica

Another chance of highlighting the need for immediate action against Climate Change.

Read more: https://www.ragusaoggi.it/dai-giovani-un-atto-di-amore-per-la-citta-di-modica-ascoltarla-conoscerla-e-viverla/

16th March 2023

Tomorrow 17th March @ 19:30!

We will be talking about the future of our cities and how decisions made today can lead to alternative realities for the next generations.