19th September 2023

Kassandra in Istanbul at the 50th ASECAP-EU ASSOCIATION Study and Information Days

Today is an important day for us, we are in Istanbul for the 50th ASECAP – EU ASSOCIATION Study and Information Days where we will present the results of the pilot study “Resilience of motorway infrastructures in relation to the phenomenon of climate change” carried out for the Concessioni Autostradali Venete S.p.A. in partnership with Climate Change Study Centre (CCSC) and Ecogest.

29th April 2023

Kassandra calls to action!

Our call to action for accountability in local authorities in regards to Climate Change in the press today!

Read more here: https://www.ildomanibleo.com/2023/04/29/sicilia-i-fondatori-di-kassandra-lanciano-proposta-ai-candidati-a-sindaco-istituire-un-assessorato-al-cambiamento-climatico/?fbclid=IwAR1dixzjcsvDBToBFO1ngavYof64FnCS8a-aV4TiHYbRnx7ge62LUAqAb90

24th March 2023

Kassandra at “Il futuro è presente. Immaginiamo una città sostenibile”

Future is Present! How collective decisions taken today can make or break the future of the next generations? Watch here: https://www.vrsicilia.it/il-futuro-e-presente-immaginiamo-una-citta-sostenibile/

21st March 2023

Kassandra about the need for immediate action against Climate Change

Dealing with plausible futures, even extreme ones, will require data-driven decisions and collective buy-in.

21st March 2023

Kassandra’s ‘prophecies’ for the city of Modica

Another chance of highlighting the need for immediate action against Climate Change.

Read more: https://www.ragusaoggi.it/dai-giovani-un-atto-di-amore-per-la-citta-di-modica-ascoltarla-conoscerla-e-viverla/

16th March 2023

Tomorrow 17th March @ 19:30!

We will be talking about the future of our cities and how decisions made today can lead to alternative realities for the next generations.

3rd March 2023

Kassandra and the sustainable future of cities

Great talk last night about Climate Change, citied and the power of data. Good to be amongst friends!

Thanks to Fondazione Arch RG for the invitation!